1000 gummy bears.

It's Friday! Which means meal night, whoop whoop - I want to go to Frankie and Bennie's tonight, I fancy a cajun chicken pizza.

Kind of a late start to the day, I got up at about 10:00ish.
Went straight onto my 365 day photo. It was kind of a disappointing one for me today as I had SO many amazing ideas which all came out really bad, maybe I shouldn't over think things too much. However, I got a lovely message from this person who said he was very impressed by it and didn't understand why I disliked it so much, I've been told to be less negative with my photos. 
I really do have an really cool idea for tomorrows photo though, it involves buying about 1000 gummy bears. 

Day 7

I don't really have anything planned for this afternoon, I like it that way - more interesting things happen. Yesterday I baked Mr Men cakes with a friend, took us back years as we used to bake loads when we were little.