I decided not to write about the majority of my day, because I feel it would be rather negative. Instead here's a little interesting information about my sink cupboard...

A few days ago, my way of storing all of my make up and hair products was to pile it all in my sink cupboard. Most of it was grouped together in a very organized system (the pile). That's not to say the system was not flawed. There was one tiny, insignificant recurring problem.. Occasionally when you opened the door, it would create a giant avalanche of lip gloss and eye shadow and other various cosmetics (sometimes a container of powder, which was undoubtedly left halfway closed - SO much fun to clean up). I was fine with my system, 17% of the time, it worked perfectly without disastrous results. I wasn't going to complain about it because I really knew there was only one way to sort it and that would take hours, and I didn't have time to create another system (this takes planning and brainstorming). So my sink cupboard has stayed the same terrible mess of piled up beauty products for three years.. while I lived my life with the sad, unorganized state of my sink cupboard weighing in the the back of my conscience. Then suddenly... EVERYTHING changed, while feeling in a really random mood I decided to completely clear it out - Now they have their perfect little home, all gathered together in their tiny, organized sanctuary. My jewelry has been neatly placed into these little jewelry containers that separate your necklaces so they don't get tangled into a huge unrecognizable, mangled ball that is IMPOSSIBLE to untangle. That used to happen to me all the time, but NOW it's preventable! Also, I found so many things that went missing over the years... The most notable find would have to be my old sunglasses. I couldn't believe it, but there they were! Apparently they had been lost somewhere in the giant pile of cosmetic doom... I eventually gave up the search after a few weeks. Now they're back!