SO fingers crossed...

It's Sunday AND there's no school tomorrow as it's half term - which feels kind of funny as I've had the Christmas break and only less than three weeks back at school and now we have another week off.

So I've had a crazy day so far, I spent about 2 hours this morning solid cleaning for my parents which was alright as I don't mind cleaning and I was listening to my iPod. Now I have a load of people over and we've only just had lunch... They are some people that we met in Greece all the way back in 2006 and we haven't seen them for yonks so It's really nice to catch up and also they are traveling the same part as Greece at the same time as us in the summer so we are all exchanging itineraries to see if it's possible to meet up when we're out there.
Also, they have talked my parents into doing an RV holiday next year (as they said it was amazing) so we can go to Disneyland for 5ish days and then travel round California - I LOVE RV's, they're SO cool and it suits my parents as they are reluctant to spend two weeks in a hotel. SO fingers crossed...

Right, I've got to go off and entertain my guests. Here's day 2...

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