I dislike procrastinating...

I'm rather positive tonight - I have no idea why.

I am however, frustrated...
I've lost my special rainbow plectrum - again. I swear it moves... No doubt I'll find it in a few days time. For now I'm going to have to use one of the horrible ones that came with Gibson - puhhhh!

I'm listening to Scooch - It's embarrassing to admit really... But I just love the cheesiness of their song! No wonder we didn't win Eurovision.

Tonight I have my whole evening planned out;
Dinner, piano, cleaning, history essay, bath, guitar, Clueless, art, bed.
I dislike procrastinating... I've GOT to get out the habit of it.

My laptop gets so mucky - blah, the disadvantages of having a white laptop... I'll have to clean that later too, I can't stand finger prints on it. 

I don't know how it gets better than this,
you take my hand and drag me head first fearless.